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Jacob Meets With Esau Again Kids Story

jacob and esau timelineHas there ever been two more mortal of enemies who came from the same womb on the same twenty-four hour period than Jacob and Esau? They truly are the man of the spirit and the man of the flesh. In Torah nosotros can inappreciably see the lifetime of antagonism that existed betwixt Jacob and Esau. In fact, near translations portray Esau as the better human being; the man who was "mistreated" by his twin brother Jacob. Who sounds like the ameliorate man in this motion-picture show?

So the boys grew. And Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field; but Jacob was a mild man, dwelling in tents. (Gen 25:27)

Now read what Yasher says almost Jacob and Esau when they are 15 years old.

Yasher 26:17 And the boys grew upwards to their fifteenth yr, and they came amongst the society of men. Esau was a designing and deceitful homo, and an expert hunter in the field, and Jacob was a human being perfect and wise, domicile in tents, feeding flocks and learning the instructions of Yehovah and the commands of his father and mother.

Because the translators of Torah lack spiritual eyes, every bit do we their readers, the wealth of what is actually being said in Gen 25:27 is lost. The two links above volition help you understand the rare kind of spiritual man Jacob actually was. He lonely is our example of how a human being is to alive on the globe.

Also in the fifteenth year of the life of Jacob and Esau, Abraham died.

Yasher 26: 28 And Isaac answered his father and said unto him, That which my Master has allowable that will I do, and I will not depart from the commands of Yehovah my Elohim (my lawmaker and Approximate), I volition keep all that he commanded me; and Abraham blessed his son Isaac, and also his sons; and Abraham taught Jacob the education of Yehovah and his ways.
29 And it was at that time that Abraham died, in the fifteenth twelvemonth of the life of Jacob and Esau, the sons of Isaac, and all the days of Abraham were one hundred and seventy-v years, and he died and was gathered to his people in good erstwhile age, old and satisfied with days, and Isaac and Ishmael his sons buried him.

Here is a timeline for the lives of Jacob and Esau, just similar the one I made for the life of Abraham. I promise you discover it helpful as you contrast these two very different men.

Jacob and Esau Timeline

0 – Nativity prophecy – the older shall serve the younger – Isaac is sixty (Yasher 26:12-fifteen & Gen_25:23-26)

15 – Boys become men – Jacob is "perfect and wise"  who dwelt in heaven; while Esau is a "designing and mendacious" human being (Gen_25:27 & Yasher 26:17); Abraham dies (Gen_25:17 & Yasher 26:29)

xviEsau kills Nimrod & sells Jacob his birthright (Gen_25:29-34 & Yasher 27)

17 – Dearth in the State – Isaac goes to Gerar "for a full year (Gen_26:i-12 & Yasher 28:1-13)

eighteen – Salah, son of Arphaxad dies – Isaac sends Jacob to Shem and Eber'southward house to learn Yehovah's means (32 years). Esau was not willing to go. (Yasher 28:17-18)

18 – Esau "hunted after the hearts of men and Inveigled them" (Yasher 28:20)

40 – Esau marries Jehudith, girl of Beeri (Yasher 28:23)

50 – Shem dies (600) – Jacob come up back to Isaac'south (110) house later 32 years (Yasher 28:24)

56 – The twins are born – Leah and Rachel to Laban (Yasher 28:26-28)

63Jacob gets Isaac'southward blessing – Isaac is 123 (Gen_27:1-twoscore & Yasher 28: ane-10)

63 – Escapes to Eber's house (Yasher 29:eleven)

63 – Esau marries Adah – aka Bosmath, daughter of Elon (Yasher 29:12)

64 – Ishmael dies at 137 (Yasher 29:eighteen)

65 – Adah births Eliphaz (Yasher 29:17)

77 – Jacob returns domicile – 14 years later. Isaac is 137 (Yasher 29:20)

77 Jacob leaves for Haran (Gen_28:5 & Yasher ?)

77 – Esau marries Mahalath, daughter of Ishmael (Yasher 29:43 & Gen_28:8-9)

77Yehovah'southward hope to Jacob and he begins 1st 7 years (Jasher xxx:14)

79 – Eber dies – 460 years one-time(Jasher 30:15)

80 – Reuel (Esau's son) is born to either Mahalath or Basemath (Run across notation on Gen_36:4)

81 – Laban has 3 sons and increases profoundly on account of Jacob (Jasher 30:18-nineteen)

83 – Esau marries Ahlibamah (Yasher 30:23-25)

84 – Jacob takes Leah and and then Rachel – 28 years old (Jasher 31)

85 – Eliphaz is built-in through Basemath (aka – Adah) (Yasher 29:17)

91 – Finishes second seven years & Rachel has Joseph (Gen_ 29 – 30 & Yasher 31)

97leaves Haran with 11 sons & great wealth (Gen 31)

97Esau again tries to impale Jacob & Jacob named Israel (Gen_32)

97 – Jacob stays in Shechem for ane 1/2 years (Yasher 33:4)

99Dinah taken by Shechem (8)(Yasher 33 & Gen_34:1-)

99Simeon (12) and Levi (11) destroy Shechem – Dinah (eight)(Yasher 33 & Gen_34:1-)

99 –  Canaanites come to Jacob (Yasher 35)

99 – Jacob goes back to Bethel for 6 months (Genesis 35 & Yasher 36:3)

99 – Rebecca dies at 133 Deborah likewise (Yasher 36:iv-5)

100 Jacob named Israel & Rachel conceives (Yasher 36:8 & Gen_35:x)

100 – Rachel dies at 45 & Benjamin is born (Yasher 36:11 & Gen_35:sixteen-18)

101? – Jacob & sons go to Hebron (Yasher 36:xix)

105 – Jacob & sons return to Shechem (Yasher 37)

105 – ten Sons (all in their teens) battle vii cities and sue for peace in all of Canaan (Yasher chapters 37 – forty)

106 – Leah dies at 51 years old (Yasher 41:two)

106Joseph gets a glaze of many colors – He is about fifteen years sometime. (Yasher 41:6)

107Joseph sold into slavery at 17 (Gen 37 & Jasher 41)

120Isaac dies (Gen_35:28 & Yasher 47:10)

130Jacob comes to Egypt (Gen_47:eight-9)

147Jacob dies (Gen_47:28 & Yasher 56:1-2)

147Esau dies (Yasher 57)

[Note: This timeline is formatted and so information technology tin exist added to an E-Sword study note or made into a topic annotation; the links in Torah will be live and have you directly to the selected passage.]

Besides read "Esau killed Nimrod So Sold The Birthright"

2G32 Genesis 26 & Yasher 27
[Click here to download this audio mp3]

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