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If you were an adherent, no 1 would be able to tell. Y'all would wait like any other American. You could be a mother, picking leftovers off your toddler'south plate. Y'all could be the young man in headphones beyond the street. You could exist a bookkeeper, a dentist, a grandmother icing cupcakes in her kitchen. You may well have an amalgamation with an evangelical church. But you lot are hard to identify just from the manner you wait—which is skilful, because someday shortly nighttime forces may try to rail y'all down. Y'all empathise this sounds crazy, but you lot don't care. Yous know that a small-scale grouping of manipulators, operating in the shadows, pull the planet's strings. You know that they are powerful enough to abuse children without fear of retribution. You know that the mainstream media are their handmaidens, in partnership with Hillary Clinton and the secretive denizens of the deep land. Yous know that merely Donald Trump stands between you and a damned and ravaged world. You see plague and pestilence sweeping the planet, and understand that they are part of the plan. You know that a disharmonism between expert and evil cannot be avoided, and you lot yearn for the Great Enkindling that is coming. And then you must be on guard at all times. You must shield your ears from the contemptuousness of the ignorant. You must find those who are like you. And you must be prepared to fight.

You lot know all this because you believe in Q.

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The origins of QAnon are recent, but fifty-fifty so, separating myth from reality can exist hard. One place to begin is with Edgar Maddison Welch, a securely religious begetter of ii, who until Sun, December 4, 2016, had lived an unremarkable life in the pocket-sized town of Salisbury, N Carolina. That morn, Welch grabbed his cellphone, a box of shotgun shells, and three loaded guns—a nine-mm AR-15 burglarize, a six-shot .38‑caliber Colt revolver, and a shotgun—and hopped into his Toyota Prius. He drove 360 miles to a well-to-do neighborhood in Northwest Washington, D.C.; parked his car; put the revolver in a holster at his hip; held the AR-xv rifle across his chest; and walked through the front end door of a pizzeria called Comet Ping Pong.

Comet happens to be the place where, on a Sunday afternoon two years earlier, my then-baby girl tried her first-always sip of h2o. Kids get together there with their parents and teammates after soccer games on Saturdays, and local bands perform on the weekends. In the back, children claiming their grandparents to Ping-Pong matches equally they wait for their pizzas to come out of the big dirt oven in the middle of the eating house. Comet Ping Pong is a dear spot in Washington.

That day, people noticed Welch right away. An AR-15 burglarize makes for a conspicuous sash in most social settings, but especially at a identify like Comet. As parents, children, and employees rushed outside, many still chewing, Welch began to move through the restaurant, at one point attempting to utilize a butter pocketknife to pry open up a locked door, earlier giving up and firing several rounds from his burglarize into the lock. Behind the door was a small estimator-storage closet. This was not what he was expecting.

Welch had traveled to Washington because of a conspiracy theory known, now famously, as Pizzagate, which claimed that Hillary Clinton was running a child sexual practice band out of Comet Ping Pong. The idea originated in October 2016, when WikiLeaks fabricated public a trove of emails stolen from the account of John Podesta, a old White House chief of staff and then the chair of Clinton's presidential entrada; Comet was mentioned repeatedly in exchanges Podesta had with the restaurant's possessor, James Alefantis, and others. The emails were mainly well-nigh fundraising events, but high-contour pro–Donald Trump figures such as Mike Cernovich and Alex Jones began advancing the claim—which originated in trollish corners of the internet (such as 4chan) and and so spread to more accessible precincts (Twitter, YouTube)—that the emails were proof of ritualistic child corruption. Some conspiracy theorists asserted that it was taking identify in the basement at Comet, where there is no basement. References in the emails to "pizza" and "pasta" were interpreted every bit code words for "girls" and "little boys."

Shortly after Trump'due south election, as Pizzagate roared across the internet, Welch started binge-watching conspiracy-theory videos on YouTube. He tried to recruit help from at to the lowest degree two people to acquit out a vigilante raid, texting them about his want to sacrifice "the lives of a few for the lives of many" and to fight "a decadent organization that kidnaps, tortures and rapes babies and children in our ain backyard." When Welch finally constitute himself within the restaurant and understood that Comet Ping Pong was just a pizza shop, he set downwards his firearms, walked out the door, and surrendered to police, who had by so secured the perimeter. "The intel on this wasn't 100 percent," Welch told The New York Times later his arrest.

Welch seems to accept sincerely believed that children were being held at Comet Ping Pong. His family and friends wrote messages to the judge on his behalf, describing him as a defended father, a devout Christian, and a human being who went out of his way to care for others. Welch had trained equally a volunteer firefighter. He had gone on an earthquake-response mission to Haiti with the local Baptist Men'south Clan. A friend from his church wrote, "He exhibits the actions of a person who strives to learn biblical truth and apply it." Welch himself expressed what seemed like genuine remorse, proverb in a handwritten note submitted to the judge by his lawyers: "Information technology was never my intention to harm or frighten innocent lives, but I realize at present just how foolish and reckless my conclusion was." He was sentenced to 4 years in prison house.

Pizzagate seemed to fade. Some of its most visible proponents, such every bit Jack Posobiec, a conspiracy theorist who is now a contributor for the pro-Trump cable-news channel One America News Network, backed away. Facing the specter of legal action by Alefantis, Alex Jones, who runs the conspiracy-theory website Infowars and hosts an affiliated radio show, apologized for promoting Pizzagate.

While Welch may have expressed regret, he gave no indication that he had stopped assertive the underlying Pizzagate message: that a cabal of powerful elites was abusing children and getting away with it. Judging from a surge of activity on the cyberspace, many others had establish ways to move beyond the Comet Ping Pong episode and remain focused on what they saw as the larger truth. If you paid attending to the right voices on the right websites, y'all could run into in real time how the core premises of Pizzagate were being recycled, revised, and reinterpreted. The millions of people paying attention to sites similar 4chan and Reddit could continue to learn about that secretive and untouchable cabal; most its malign actions and intentions; about its ties to the left fly and specifically to Democrats and especially to Clinton; about its bloodlust and its moral degeneracy. You could also—and this would prove essential—read nigh a pocket-size just swelling ring of cloak-and-dagger American patriots fighting back.

All of this, taken together, defined a worldview that would soon accept a name: QAnon, derived from a mysterious figure, "Q," posting anonymously on 4chan. QAnon does non possess a concrete location, but it has an infrastructure, a literature, a growing body of adherents, and a keen deal of merchandising. It as well displays other cardinal qualities that Pizzagate lacked. In the confront of inconvenient facts, it has the ambiguity and adjustability to sustain a movement of this kind over time. For QAnon, every contradiction can be explained away; no form of argument can prevail against it.

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Conspiracy theories are a constant in American history, and it is tempting to dismiss them as inconsequential. But equally the 21st century has progressed, such a dismissal has begun to require willful incomprehension. I was a city-hall reporter for a local investigative-news site called Honolulu Civil Beat in 2011 when Donald Trump was laying the background for a presidential run by publicly questioning whether Barack Obama had been built-in in Hawaii, as all facts and documents showed. Trump maintained that Obama had really been born in Africa, and therefore wasn't a natural-born American—making him ineligible for the highest office. I remember the debate in our Honolulu newsroom: Should we fifty-fifty cover this "birther" madness? As it turned out, the allegations, based entirely on lies, captivated enough people to requite Trump a launching pad.

9 years later, as reports of a fearsome new virus all of a sudden emerged, and with Trump now president, a series of ideas began burbling in the QAnon customs: that the coronavirus might not be real; that if it was, it had been created by the "deep state," the star sleeping room of government officials and other elite figures who secretly run the world; that the hysteria surrounding the pandemic was part of a plot to hurt Trump'south reelection chances; and that media elites were cheering the death toll. Some of these ideas would brand their way onto Pull a fast one on News and into the president'southward public utterances. As of late last year, co-ordinate to The New York Times, Trump had retweeted accounts often focused on conspiracy theories, including those of QAnon, on at least 145 occasions.

The power of the internet was understood early on on, but the full nature of that power—its ability to shatter any semblance of shared reality, undermining civil guild and autonomous governance in the procedure—was not. The internet also enabled unknown individuals to reach masses of people, at a scale Marshall McLuhan never dreamed of. The warping of shared reality leads a man with an AR-15 burglarize to invade a pizza shop. It brings online forums into existence where people colorfully imagine the assassination of a former secretary of state. Information technology offers the hope of a Great Awakening, in which the elites will exist routed and the truth will be revealed. It causes chat sites to come alive with commentary speculating that the coronavirus pandemic may exist the moment QAnon has been waiting for. None of this could have been imagined as recently as the turn of the century.

QAnon is emblematic of modern America's susceptibility to conspiracy theories, and its enthusiasm for them. Merely it is also already much more than than a loose collection of conspiracy-minded chat-room inhabitants. It is a movement united in mass rejection of reason, objectivity, and other Enlightenment values. And we are likely closer to the beginning of its story than the end. The group harnesses paranoia to fervent hope and a deep sense of belonging. The way information technology breathes life into an ancient preoccupation with end-times is besides radically new. To look at QAnon is to run into non just a conspiracy theory but the nativity of a new religion.

Many people were reluctant to speak with me about QAnon as I reported this story. The movement's adherents have sometimes proved willing to take matters into their ain hands. Last twelvemonth, the FBI classified QAnon every bit a domestic-terror threat in an internal memo. The memo took annotation of a California human being arrested in 2018 with bomb-making materials. According to the FBI, he had planned to set on the Illinois capitol to "make Americans aware of 'Pizzagate' and the New World Order (NWO) who were dismantling society." The memo as well took notation of a QAnon follower in Nevada who was arrested in 2018 after blocking traffic on the Hoover Dam in an armored truck. The human, heavily armed, was demanding the release of the inspector general'southward report on Hillary Clinton'south emails. The FBI memo warned that conspiracy theories stoke the threat of extremist violence, especially when individuals "claiming to act as 'researchers' or 'investigators' unmarried out people, businesses, or groups which they falsely accuse of being involved in the imagined scheme."

QAnon adherents are feared for ferociously attacking skeptics online and for inciting concrete violence. On a at present-defunct Reddit lath dedicated to QAnon, commenters took delight in describing Clinton'south potential fate. One person wrote: "I'm surprised no i has assassinated her nevertheless honestly." Some other: "The buzzards rip her rotting corpse to shreds." A tertiary: "I want to see her blood pouring down the gutters!"

Illustration: Arsh Raziuddin; blitheness: Vishakha Darbha

When I spoke with Clinton recently about QAnon, she said, "I just get under their skin different anybody else … If I didn't have Secret Service protection going through my mail service, finding weird stuff, tracking the threats confronting me—which are still very high—I would be worried." She has come to realize that the invented reality in which conspiracy theorists place her is not some baroque parallel universe just actually one that shapes our own. Referring to cyberspace trolling operations, Clinton said, "I don't call up until relatively recently nearly people understood how well organized they were, and how many dissimilar components of their strategy they have put in identify."


On Oct 28, 2017, the anonymous user now widely referred to as "Q" appeared for the first time on 4chan, a so-called epitome lath that is known for its grotesque memes, sickening photographs, and brutal teardown civilisation. Q predicted the imminent arrest of Hillary Clinton and a violent uprising nationwide, posting this:

HRC extradition already in motion constructive yesterday with several countries in case of cantankerous edge run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. United states of america M's will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty ten/30 across most major cities.

And then this:

Mockingbird HRC detained, not arrested (yet). Where is Huma? Follow Huma. This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet). Why does Potus surroundings himself w/ generals? What is war machine intelligence? Why get effectually the 3 letter agencies? What Supreme Court case allows for the utilise of MI v Congressional assembled and approved agencies? Who has ultimate say-so over our branches of war machine due west/o approval weather condition unless 90+ in wartime conditions? What is the war machine code? Where is AW being held? Why? POTUS volition not go along television set to accost nation. POTUS must isolate himself to forestall negative optics. POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements equally a first pace was essential to costless and pass legislation. Who has access to everything classified? Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc take more power than Trump? Fantasy. Whoever controls the office of the Presidency controls this nifty land. They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control. This is not a R v D battle. Why did Soros donate all his money recently? Why would he place all his funds in a RC? Mockingbird 10.30.17 God anoint boyfriend Patriots.

Clinton was non arrested on Oct thirty, only that didn't deter Q, who connected posting ominous predictions and cryptic riddles—with prompts similar "Find the reflection inside the castle"—often written in the form of tantalizing fragments and rhetorical questions. Q made it clear that he wanted people to believe he was an intelligence officer or military official with Q clearance, a level of admission to classified information that includes nuclear-weapons pattern and other highly sensitive material. (I'm using he because many Q followers do, though Q remains anonymous—hence "QAnon.") Q's tone is conspiratorial to the indicate of cliche: "I've said likewise much," and "Follow the coin," and "Some things must remain classified to the very stop."

What might accept languished equally a alone screed on a unmarried image board instead incited fervor. Its profile was enhanced, according to Brandy Zadrozny and Ben Collins of NBC News, by several conspiracy theorists whose promotion of Q in plow helped build upwards their ain online profiles. Past now, nearly three years since Q'south original messages appeared, there have been thousands of what his followers call "Q drops"—messages posted to epitome boards by Q. He uses a password-protected "tripcode," a series of letters and numbers visible to other image-lath users to point the continuity of his identity over time. (Q's tripcode has inverse on occasion, prompting flurries of speculation.) As Q has moved from i image board to the adjacent—from 4chan to 8chan to 8kun, seeking a prophylactic harbor—QAnon adherents have only get more than devoted. If the internet is 1 big rabbit pigsty containing infinitely recursive rabbit holes, QAnon has somehow found its way down all of them, gulping upwardly bottom conspiracy theories as information technology goes.

In its broadest contours, the QAnon conventionalities system looks something like this: Q is an intelligence or military insider with proof that decadent world leaders are secretly torturing children all over the world; the malefactors are embedded in the deep country; Donald Trump is working tirelessly to thwart them. ("These people demand to ALL be ELIMINATED," Q wrote in one mail service.) The eventual destruction of the global conduce is imminent, Q prophesies, but can exist accomplished just with the support of patriots who search for meaning in Q'south clues. To believe Q requires rejecting mainstream institutions, ignoring government officials, battling apostates, and despising the press. One of Q's favorite rallying cries is "You are the news at present." Another is "Savour the prove," a phrase that his disciples regard as a reference to a coming apocalypse: When the world as nosotros know it comes to an end, everyone'south a spectator.

People who accept taken Q to centre like to say they've been paying attention from the very beginning, the way someone might brag about having listened to Radiohead before The Bends. A promise of foreknowledge is function of Q's appeal, equally is the feeling of being office of a secret community, which is reinforced through the utilize of acronyms and ritual phrases such as "Nothing tin stop what is coming" and "Trust the plan."

One phrase that serves as a special touchstone among QAnon adherents is "the calm earlier the storm." Q commencement used it a few days later his initial mail service, and it arrived with a specific history. On the evening of October 5, 2017—not long before Q first made himself known on 4chan—President Trump stood abreast the first lady in a loose semicircle with 20 or so senior armed forces leaders and their spouses for a photo in the State Dining Room at the White Business firm. Reporters had been invited to watch as Trump's guests posed and smiled. Trump couldn't seem to stop talking. "Y'all guys know what this represents?" he asked at i signal, tracing an incomplete circle in the air with his right index finger. "Tell usa, sir," ane onlooker replied. The president's response was self-satisfied, adjoining on a drawl: "Maybe information technology's the calm before the storm."

"What'south the tempest?" one of the journalists asked.

"Could be the calm—the at-home before the storm," Trump said once again. His repetition seemed to be for dramatic effect. The whir of camera shutters grew louder.

The reporters became insistent: "What storm, Mr. President?"

A curt response from Trump: "You'll find out."

Those 37 seconds of presidential ambivalence fabricated headlines correct away—relations with Iran had been tense in contempo days—but they would also become foundational lore for eventual followers of Q. The president'south round manus gesture is of detail interest to them. Yous may think he was motioning to the semicircle gathered around him, they say, but he was really drawing the letter Q in the air. Was Trump playing the part of John the Baptist, proclaiming what was to come? Was he himself the anointed one?

Information technology's incommunicable to know the number of QAnon adherents with any precision, just the ranks are growing. At least 35 current or former congressional candidates take embraced Q, according to an online tally by the progressive nonprofit Media Matters for America. Those candidates have either directly praised QAnon in public or approvingly referenced QAnon slogans. (One Republican candidate for Congress, Matthew Lusk of Florida, includes QAnon under the "issues" section of his entrada website, posing the question: "Who is Q?") QAnon has by now made its way onto every major social and commercial platform and any number of fringe sites. Tracy Diaz, a QAnon evangelist, known online by the name TracyBeanz, has 185,000 followers on Twitter and more than than 100,000 YouTube subscribers. She helped elevator QAnon from obscurity, facilitating its transition to mainstream social media. (A publicist described Diaz as "really private" and declined requests for an interview.) On TikTok, videos with the hashtag #QAnon accept garnered millions of views. There are likewise many QAnon Facebook groups, plenty of them ghost towns, to do a proper count, but the almost agile ones publish thousands of items each mean solar day. (In 2018, Reddit banned QAnon groups from its platform for inciting violence.)

Adherents are ever looking out for signs from on loftier, plumbing for portents when guidance from Q himself is absent-minded. The coronavirus, for instance—what does it signify? In several of the big Facebook groups, people erupted in a frenzy of speculation, circulating a theory that Trump'south decision to wear a yellow tie to a White House briefing near the virus was a sign that the outbreak wasn't real: "He is telling united states of america at that place is no virus threat because it is the exact same color as the maritime flag that represents the vessel has no infected people on board," someone wrote in a mail service that was widely shared and remixed beyond social media. Iii days before the World Health Organization officially declared the coronavirus a pandemic, Trump was retweeting a QAnon-themed meme. "Who knows what this means, but information technology sounds adept to me!" the president wrote on March eight, sharing a Photoshopped image of himself playing a violin overlaid with the words "Nothing can stop what is coming."

On March 9, Q himself issued a triptych of ominous posts that seemed definitive: The coronavirus is real, but welcome, and followers should non be agape. The offset postal service shared Trump'south tweet from the dark before and repeated, "Zero Tin Finish What Is Coming." The second said: "The Great Awakening is Worldwide." The tertiary was elementary: "GOD WINS."

A calendar month subsequently, on April eight, Q went on a posting spree, dropping nine posts over the span of six hours and touching on several of his favorite topics—God, Pizzagate, and the wickedness of the elites. "They will stop at nothing to regain power," he wrote in 1 scathing mail service that alleged a coordinated propaganda effort by Democrats, Hollywood, and the media. Another defendant Democrats of promoting "mass hysteria" virtually the coronavirus for political gain: "What is the primary do good to keep public in mass-hysteria re: COVID‑19? Recollect voting. Are yous awake nevertheless? Q." And he shared these verses from Ephesians: "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God so that you will be able to stand house against the schemes of the devil."

Anthony Fauci, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has become an object of scorn amidst QAnon supporters who don't like the bad news he delivers or the mode he has contradicted Trump publicly. In one March press conference, Trump referred to the State Department as the "Deep Land Department," and Fauci could be seen over the president's shoulder, suppressing a laugh and roofing his confront. By then, QAnon had already declared Fauci irredeemably compromised, because WikiLeaks had unearthed a pair of emails he sent praising Hillary Clinton in 2012 and 2013. Sentiment near Fauci among QAnon supporters on social-media platforms ranges from "Fauci is a Deep State puppet" to "FAUCI is a BLACKHAT!!!"—the term QAnon uses for people who back up the evil cabal that Q warns about. One person, using the hashtags #DeepStateCabal and #Qanon, tweeted this: "Watch Fauci's hand signals and body language at the press conferences. What is he communicating?" Another shared an image of Fauci continuing in a lab with Barack Obama, with the explanation "Obama and 'Dr.' Fauci in the lab creating coronovirus [sic]. #DeepstateDoctor." The Justice Department recently approved heightened security measures for Fauci considering of the mounting book of threats confronting him.

In the final days before Congress passed a $ii trillion economic-relief bundle in tardily March, Democrats insisted on provisions that would make it easier for people to vote by mail, prompting Q himself to weigh in with dismay: "These people are sick! Nothing can cease what is coming. Cipher."

Analogy: Arsh Raziuddin; Ira Wyman / Getty; Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock; animation: Vishakha Darbha


On a bone-cold Th in early on January, a crowd was swelling in downtown Toledo, Ohio. Past lunchtime, seven hours before the offset of Trump's kickoff entrada rally of the new year, the line to go into the Huntington Center had already snaked effectually two city blocks. The air was electrical with possibility, and the whole scene possessed a Jimmy Buffett–meets–Michigan Militia atmosphere: lots of white people, a good deal of vaping, red-white-and-blue everything. Down the street, someone had affixed a ii-story imprint beyond the top of a burned-out brick edifice. It read: president trump, welcome to toledo, ohio: who is q … military intelligence? q+? ("Q+" is QAnon shorthand for Trump himself.) Vendors at the upshot were selling Q buttons and T-shirts. QAnon trade comes in a bang-up variety; online, you can buy Great Enkindling coffee ($14.99) and QAnon bracelets with tiny silver pizza charms ($xx.17).

I worked my style toward the back of the line, making small talk and asking who, if anyone, knew anything about QAnon. One adult female's eyes lit upwards, and in a single fluid motility she unzipped and removed her jacket, and then did a petty jump and then that her dorsum was to me. I could run across a Q fabricated out of duct record, which she'd pressed onto her crimson T-shirt. Her name was Lorrie Shock, and the first thing she wanted me to know was this: "Nosotros're not a domestic-terror group."

Shock was built-in in Ohio and never left, "a lifer," every bit she put information technology. She had worked at a Bridgestone factory, making machine parts, for nigh of her adult life. "Real hot and dirty work, just good money," she told me. "I got three kids through school." Today, in what she calls her preretirement job, she cares for adults with special needs, spending her days in a tender routine of playing games with them and helping them in and out of a pond puddle. Daze came to the Trump rally with her friend Pat Harger, who had retired after 32 years at Whirlpool. Harger's wife runs a catering business organisation, which is what had kept her from attention the rally that day. Harger and Shock are quondam friends. "Since the fourth grade," Harger told me, "and we're 57 years old."

Now that Daze'south girls are grown and she's not working a manufacturing plant chore, she has more than time for herself. That used to hateful reading novels in the evening—she doesn't own a tv—just now it means researching Q, who first came to her notice when someone she knew mentioned him on Facebook in 2017: "What caught my attending was 'inquiry.' Practise your own enquiry. Don't accept anything for granted. I don't care who says it, even President Trump. Exercise your own research, make up your own mind."

The QAnon universe is sprawling and deep, with layer upon layer of context, acronyms, characters, and shorthand to acquire. The "castle" is the White House. "Crumbs" are clues. CBTS stands for "at-home before the storm," and WWG1WGA stands for "Where nosotros go ane, nosotros go all," which has become an expression of solidarity amidst Q followers. (Both of these phrases, oddly, are used in the trailer for the 1996 Ridley Scott film White Squall—spotter it on YouTube, and you'll run across that the comments section is flooded with pro-Q sentiment.) There is also a "Q clock," which refers to a calendar some factions of Q supporters utilise to try to decode supposed clues based on fourth dimension stamps of Q drops and Trump tweets.

At the height of her devotion, Shock was spending 4 to vi hours a twenty-four hour period reading and rereading Q drops, scouring documents online, taking notes. Now, she says, she spends closer to an hour or two a 24-hour interval. "When I first started, everybody idea I was crazy," Stupor said. That included her daughters, who are "very liberal Hillary and Bernie supporters," Stupor said. "I even so beloved them. They call back I'm crazy, but that's all correct."

Harger, also, once thought Shock had lost it. "I was doubting her," he told me. "I would ship her texts proverb, Lorrie."

"He was like, 'What the hell?' " Shock said, laughing. "Then my comment to him would be 'Do your own research.' "

"And I did," Harger said. "And it's like, Wow."

Taking a page from Trump's playbook, Q frequently rails against legitimate sources of data equally faux. Shock and Harger rely on information they meet on Facebook rather than news outlets run by journalists. They don't read the local paper or watch any of the major tv networks. "Y'all can't lookout the news," Shock said. "Your news channel ain't gonna tell usa shit." Harger says he likes One America News Network. Not and then long ago, he used to watch CNN, and couldn't get enough of Wolf Blitzer. "Nosotros were glued to that; we e'er have been," he said. "Until this man, Trump, really opened our eyes to what'due south happening. And Q. Q is telling us beforehand the stuff that's going to happen." I asked Harger and Shock for examples of predictions that had come true. They could not provide specifics and instead encouraged me to practice the research myself. When I asked them how they explained the events Q had predicted that never happened, such as Clinton's arrest, they said that charade is office of Q's plan. Stupor added, "I recollect there were more than things that were predicted that did happen." Her tone was gentle rather than indignant.

Harger wanted me to know that he'd voted for Obama the beginning time around. He grew upwardly in a family of Democrats. His dad was a wedlock guy. Only that was earlier Trump appeared and convinced Harger that he shouldn't trust the institutions he ever thought he could. Daze nodded aslope him. "The reason I feel like I can trust Trump more is, he's not part of the establishment," she said. At one betoken, Harger told me I should look into what happened to John F. Kennedy Jr.—who died in 1999, when his airplane crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off Martha's Vineyard—suggesting that Hillary Clinton had had him assassinated. (Alternatively, a contingent of QAnon believers say that JFK Jr. faked his death and that he'due south a behind-the-scenes Trump supporter, and possibly fifty-fifty Q himself. Some anticipate his dramatic public return and so that he can serve as Trump's running mate in 2020.) When I asked Harger whether there'southward any show to back up the assassination merits, he flipped my question around: "Is there whatever show not to?"

Reading Shock's Facebook folio is an exercise in contradictions, a toggling between banality and hostility. In that location she is in a yellow kayak in her profile photo, brilliant-cherry-red pilus spilling out of a ski chapeau, a giant smile on her face. At that place are the photos of her daughters, and of a granddaughter with Shirley Temple curls. All the same Q is never far away. On Christmas Eve, Shock shared ane mail that seemed to come direct out of the QAnon universe just besides pulled in an older, classic conspiracy: "Ten marks the spot over Roswell NM. X17 5th Force Particle. X + Q Coincidence?" That same 24-hour interval, she shared a separate post suggesting that Michelle Obama is secretly a man. Someone responded with skepticism: "I am nevertheless non convinced. She shows and acts evil, but a man?" Shock's reply: "Research it." There was a mail challenge that Representative Adam Schiff had raped the body of a dead boy at the Chateau Marmont, in Los Angeles—Harger shows up hither, with a "huh??" in the comments—and a warning that George Soros was going subsequently Christian evangelicals. In other posts, Shock playfully taunted "libs" and her "Trump-antisocial friends," and also shared a video of her daughter singing Christmas carols.

In Toledo, I asked Stupor if she had any theories about Q'southward identity. She answered immediately: "I retrieve it'due south Trump." I asked if she thinks Trump fifty-fifty knows how to utilise 4chan. The message lath is notoriously confusing for the uninitiated, nothing like Facebook and other social platforms designed to make it easy to publish rapidly and frequently. "I think he knows manner more what we retrieve," she said. But she likewise wanted me to know that her obsession with Q wasn't about Trump. This had been something she was reluctant to speak near at commencement. Now, she said, "I feel God led me to Q. I really feel like God pushed me in this direction. I experience similar if it was deceitful, in my spirit, God would be telling me, 'Enough's enough.' But I don't feel that. I pray almost it. I've said, 'Father, should I be wasting my fourth dimension on this?' … And I don't feel that feeling of I should stop."

Recommended Reading

Arthur Jones, the managing director of the documentary film Feels Good Homo, which tells the story of how internet memes infiltrated politics in the 2016 presidential election, told me that QAnon reminds him of his childhood growing up in an evangelical-Christian family in the Ozarks. He said that many people he knew and then, and many people he meets now in the virtually devout parts of the country, are securely interested in the Book of Revelation, and in trying to unpack "all of its pretty-hard-to-decipher prophecies." Jones went on: "I think the same kind of person would all of a sudden beginning pulling at the threads of Q and start feeling similar everything is starting to autumn into place and make sense. If yous are an evangelical and yous look at Donald Trump on face value, he lies, he steals, he cheats, he'due south been married multiple times, he's clearly a sinner. But y'all are trying to find a style that he is somehow function of God'due south plan."

You can't e'er tell what kind of Q follower you're encountering. Anyone using a Q hashtag could exist a true believer, like Shock, or simply someone cruising a site and playing forth for a vicarious thrill. Surely there are people who know that Q is a fantasy only participate because at that place'south an element of QAnon that converges with a alive-action part-playing game. In the sprawling constellation of Q supporters, Stupor and Harger seem prototypical. They happened upon Q and something clicked. The fable plugged neatly into their existing worldview.


Q may be anonymous, but leaders of the QAnon movement have emerged in public and built their own big audiences. David Hayes is better known by his online handle: PrayingMedic. In his YouTube videos, he exudes the even-keeled disciplinarian energy of a middle-schoolhouse master. PrayingMedic is i of the best-known QAnon evangelists on the planet. He has more than 300,000 Twitter followers and a similar number of YouTube subscribers. Hayes, a erstwhile paramedic, lives in a terra-cotta-roofed subdivision in Gilbert, Arizona, with his wife, Denise, an creative person whom he met on the dating site Christian Mingle in 2007. Both describe themselves as former atheists who came to their religion in God, and to each other, late in life, after previous marriages. Hayes has been following Q since the offset, or close to information technology. "Q Anon is pretty darn interesting," he wrote on his Facebook page on December 12, 2017, six weeks afterwards Q'south first post on 4chan. That same 24-hour interval, he wrote about a sudden calling he felt:

My dreams have suggested that God wants me to go on my attention focused on politics and current events. After some prayer, I've decided to do a regular news and current events evidence on Periscope. I'm trying to do one circulate a mean solar day. (The videos are also beingness posted to my Youtube channel.) That is all.

Hayes is a superstar in the Q universe. His video "Q for Beginners Part 1" has been viewed more 1 million times. "Some of the people who follow Q would consider themselves to exist conspiracy theorists," Hayes says in the video. "I do not consider myself to be a conspiracy theorist. I consider myself to be a Q researcher. I don't have annihilation confronting people who similar to follow conspiracies. That's their thing. It's not my thing."

Hayes has developed a following in office because of his sheer ubiquity but also because he skillfully wears the mantle of a skeptic—I'yard not 1 of those crazies. Hayes is not a QAnon hobbyist, though. He's a professional. There are income streams to be tapped, modest but expanding. On Amazon, Hayes'due south book At-home Earlier the Tempest, the first in what he says could easily be a ten-book series of "Q Chronicles," sells for $15.29. Hayes writes in the introduction that he and Denise have devoted their attention total-time to QAnon since 2017. "Denise and I have been blest by those who have helped support us while we prepare bated our usual work to enquiry Q'due south letters," he wrote. He has published several other books, which offer a glimpse into an before life. The titles include Hearing God's Voice Fabricated Unproblematic, Defeating Your Adversary in the Court of Sky, and American Sniper: Lessons in Spiritual Warfare. Hayes registered Praying Medic every bit a religious nonprofit in Washington State in 2018.

Hayes tells his followers that he thinks Q is an open-source intelligence performance, fabricated possible by the internet and designed by patriots fighting corruption within the intelligence customs. His interpretation of Q is ultimately religious in nature, and centers on the thought of a Not bad Awakening. "I believe The Bully Enkindling has a double application," Hayes wrote in a blog post in November 2019.

It speaks of an intellectual awakening—the awareness by the public to the truth that nosotros've been enslaved in a corrupt political system. Only the exposure of the unimaginable depravity of the elites will lead to an increased awareness of our ain depravity. Cocky-awareness of sin is fertile ground for spiritual revival. I believe the long-prophesied spiritual awakening lies on the other side of the storm.

Q followers agree that a Great Awakening lies ahead, and will bring salvation. They differ in their personal preoccupations with respect to the here and now. Some in the QAnon world are highly focused on what they perceive every bit degeneracy in the mainstream media, a perception fueled in equal measure by Q and past Trump. Others obsess over the intelligence customs and the notion of a deep state. An active subsection of Q followers probes the Jeffrey Epstein instance. In that location are those who claim knowledge of a xvi-year programme past Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to destroy the United States by ways of mass drought, weaponized illness, food shortages, and nuclear war. During the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, some Q followers promoted the idea that Trump was secretly working with Robert Mueller, and that the special counsel's report would both exonerate Trump and lead to mass arrests of members of the corrupt conduce. (The eventual Mueller study, released in Apr 2019, neither exonerated Trump nor led to mass arrests.)

These divergent byways are elemental to QAnon's staying ability—this is a very welcoming conventionalities system, warm in its tolerance for contradiction—and are also what makes it possible for a practical man like Hayes to play the function that he does. QAnon is complex and confusing. People from all over the internet seek guidance from someone who seems levelheaded. (Hayes was quick to reply to my emails merely declined requests for an interview. He complained to me that journalists refuse to see QAnon for what it really is, and therefore cannot be trusted.)

The about prominent QAnon figures accept a presence beyond the biggest social-media platforms and image boards. The Q universe encompasses numerous blogs, proprietary websites, and types of chat software, as well as alternative social-media platforms such equally Gab, the site known for anti-Semitism and white nationalism, where many people banned from Twitter have congregated. Vloggers and bloggers promote their Patreon accounts, where people can pay them in monthly sums. There's also coin to be made from ads on YouTube. That seems to be the primary focus for Hayes, whose videos have been viewed more than 33 one thousand thousand times altogether. His "Q for Beginners" video includes ads from companies such as the vacation-rental site Vrbo and from The Epoch Times, an international pro-Trump newspaper. Q evangelists accept taken a "publish everywhere" arroyo that is one-half outreach, half back-up. If one platform cracks down on QAnon, equally Reddit did, they won't have to start from scratch somewhere else. Already embroiled in the boxing betwixt good and evil, QAnon has involved itself in another battle—between the notion of an open web for the people and a gated net controlled by a powerful few.

Illustration: Arsh Raziuddin; animation: Vishakha Darbha


Whatsoever new belief system runs into opposition. In December 2018, Matt Patten, a veteran SWAT-team sergeant in the Broward County Sheriff'south Office, in Florida, was photographed with Vice President Mike Pence on an airdrome tarmac. Patten wore a patch on his tactical vest that bore the letter Q. The photograph was tweeted by the vice president's role and and so went viral in the QAnon community. The tweet was quickly taken downwardly. Patten was demoted. When I knocked on his door on a gloomy day in Baronial, no one answered. But as I turned to exit, I noticed two large bumper stickers on the white mailbox out front end. One said trump, and the other said #qanon: patriots fight.

Tardily terminal summertime, Q himself lost his platform. He had migrated from 4chan (fearing that the site had been "infiltrated") to the prototype board 8chan, and and then 8chan went night. Three days before I stood on Patten's doorstep, 22 people had been killed in a mass shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, and police revealed that the declared killer had posted a manifesto on 8chan just before carrying out the attack. The episode had eerie similarities to two other shootings. 4 months before, in April 2019, the suspected shooter in a murderous rampage at a synagogue in Poway, California, had posted an anti-Semitic alphabetic character on 8chan. Weeks before that, the human being who killed 51 worshippers at two New Zealand mosques had posted a white-supremacist manifesto on 8chan.

After El Paso, 8chan'due south owner, Jim Watkins, was ordered to testify earlier the Business firm Committee on Homeland Security. Watkins had bought the site four years earlier from its founder, Fredrick Brennan, at present 26, who somewhen cutting all ties to 8chan. "Regrettably, this is at least the third act of white supremacist extremist violence linked to your website this yr," wrote Representatives Bennie Thompson, a Democrat from Mississippi, and Mike Rogers, a Republican from Alabama, when they summoned Watkins to Capitol Hill. "Americans deserve to know what, if anything, you, as the owner and operator, are doing to address the proliferation of extremist content on 8chan."

8chan had already lost crucial services, which had forced it to shut down. The CEO of Cloudflare, which had helped protect the site from cyberattacks, explained his decision to drop 8chan in an open letter after the El Paso shooting: "The rationale is simple: They take proven themselves to be lawless and that lawlessness has caused multiple tragic deaths." Watkins promised to keep the site off the internet until later on his congressional appearance. He is a one-time U.S. Regular army helicopter repairman who got into the business of websites while he was yet in the armed services. Amongst other things, in 1997, he launched a successful porn site called Asian Bikini Bar. On his YouTube channel, where he posts under the username Watkins Xerxes, he frequently sings hymns, reads verses from the Bible, praises Trump, and touches on themes underlying QAnon—alarm against the deep country and reminding his audience members that they are at present "the bodily reporting machinery of the news." He also shows off his fountain-pen collection and practices yoga. When he arrived on Capitol Loma, in September 2019, Watkins wore a bulbous argent Q pinned to his collar. His testimony was behind closed doors. In November, 8chan flickered dorsum to life as 8kun. Information technology was sporadically accessible, limping forth through a series of cyberattacks. It received assistance from a Russian hosting service that is typically associated with spreading malware. When Q reappeared on 8kun, he used the same tripcode that he had used on 8chan. He posted other hints meant to verify the continuity of his identity, including an epitome of a notebook and a pen that had appeared in earlier posts.

Fredrick Brennan'south theory is that Jim and his son Ron, who is the site's administrator, knew 8kun needed Q to attract users. "I definitely, definitely, 100 percent believe that Q either knows Jim or Ron Watkins, or was hired by Jim or Ron Watkins," Brennan told me. Jim and Ron have both denied knowing Q's identity. "I don't know who Q is," Ron told me in a direct message on Twitter. Jim told an interviewer on Ane America News Network in September 2019: "I don't know who QAnon is. Actually, we run an bearding website." Both insist that they intendance most maintaining 8kun only considering it is a platform for unfettered free speech. "8kun is like a piece of paper, and the users decide what is written on it," Ron told me. "There are many dissimilar topics and users from many different backgrounds." Just their interest in Q is well documented. In February, Jim started a super PAC called Disarm the Deep State, which echoes Q'due south messages and which is running paid ads on 8kun.

Brennan has long been feuding with the Watkinses. Jim is suing Brennan for libel in the Philippines, where they both lived until recently, and Brennan is actively fighting Jim'south attempts to become a naturalized citizen there. "They kept Q alive," Brennan told me. "Nosotros wouldn't be talking about this correct now if Q didn't keep the new 8kun. The entire reason nosotros're talking about this is they're directly related to Q. And, you know, I worry constantly that there is going to be, as early as Nov 2020, some kind of shooting or something related to Q if Trump loses. Or parents killing their children to save them from the hell-world that is to come up because the deep land has won. These are existent possibilities. I just feel like what they have washed is totally irresponsible to keep Q going."

The story of Q is premised on the need for Q to remain anonymous. It's why Q originally picked 4chan, one of the last places built for anonymity on the social spider web. "I've often related Q to previous figures like John Titor or Satoshi Nakamoto," Brennan told me, referring to ii legends of net anonymity. Satoshi Nakamoto is the name used by the unknown creator of bitcoin. John Titor is the name used on several message boards in 2000 and 2001 past someone claiming to be a military fourth dimension traveler from the twelvemonth 2036.

QAnon adherents see Q's anonymity as proof of Q'southward credibility—despite their deep mistrust of unnamed sources in the media. Every faction of QAnon has its ain hunches, alliances, and interpersonal dramas related to the question of Q'south identity. The theories fit into three broad groups. In the starting time grouping are theories that assume Q is a single private who has been posting all alone this entire time. This is where you'll find the people who say that Trump himself is Q, or fifty-fifty that PrayingMedic is Q. (This category too includes the possibility, raised by people outside of QAnon, that Q is a lone Trump supporter who started posting as a form of fan fiction, not realizing it would take off; and the idea that Q began posting in order to parody Trump and his supporters, not anticipating that people would accept him seriously.) The second group of theories holds that the original Q posted continuously for a while, but then something changed. This second category includes Brennan'south idea that the Watkinses are now paying Q, or are paying someone to carry on equally Q, or are even acting as Q themselves. The third grouping of theories holds that Q is a collective, with a modest number of people sharing admission to the account. This 3rd category includes the notion that Q is a new kind of open-source military-intelligence bureau.

Many QAnon adherents see significance in Trump tweets containing words that brainstorm with the letter Q. Recent earth events have rewarded them amply. "I am a great friend and admirer of the Queen & the United Kingdom," Trump began one tweet on March 29. The 24-hour interval before, he had tweeted this: "I am giving consideration to a QUARANTINE." The Q crowd seized on both tweets, arguing that if you lot ignore most of the letters in the messages, you'll detect a confession from Trump: "I am … Q."


In a Miami coffee store last year, I met with a human who has gotten a flurry of attention in recent years for his inquiry on conspiracy theories—a political-scientific discipline professor at the University of Miami named Joseph Uscinski. I take known Uscinski for years, and his views are nuanced, deeply informed, and far from anything you would consider knee-jerk partisanship. Many people assume, he told me, that a propensity for conspiracy thinking is predictable along ideological lines. That'south incorrect, he explained. Information technology'south meliorate to remember of conspiracy thinking as independent of political party politics. It's a particular grade of mind-wiring. And information technology's by and large characterized by credence of the post-obit propositions: Our lives are controlled past plots hatched in secret places. Although we ostensibly live in a democracy, a small grouping of people run everything, simply we don't know who they are. When big events occur—pandemics, recessions, wars, terrorist attacks—it is considering that secretive group is working confronting the residuum of us.

QAnon isn't a far-right conspiracy, the manner it's oft described, Uscinski went on, despite its obviously pro-Trump narrative. And that's because Trump isn't a typical far-correct pol. Q appeals to people with the greatest attraction to conspiracy thinking of any kind, and that appeal crosses ideological lines.

Many of the people well-nigh prone to believing conspiracy theories run across themselves as victim-warriors fighting confronting corrupt and powerful forces. They share a hatred of mainstream elites. That helps explain why cycles of populism and conspiracy thinking seem to rise and fall together. Conspiracy thinking is at one time a cause and a consequence of what Richard Hofstadter in 1964 famously described as "the paranoid manner" in American politics. Just do not make the mistake of thinking that conspiracy theories are scribbled but in the marginalia of American history. They color every major news event: the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the moon landing, ix/11. They have helped sustain consequential eruptions, such as McCarthyism in the 1950s and anti-Semitism at any moment you choose. Simply QAnon is unlike. It may be propelled past paranoia and populism, simply it is also propelled past religious organized religion. The linguistic communication of evangelical Christianity has come to define the Q motion. QAnon marries an appetite for the conspiratorial with positive beliefs near a radically dissimilar and improve time to come, 1 that is preordained.

That was part of the reason Uscinski'south mother, Shelly, 62, was attracted to QAnon. Shelly, who lives in New Hampshire, was tooling around on YouTube a couple of years agone, looking for how-to videos—she tin't remember for what, exactly, peradventure a tutorial on how to become her machine windows sparkling-clean—and the algorithm served upwards QAnon. She remembers a feeling of magnetic attraction. "Similar, Wow, what is this?" she recalled when I spoke with her by phone. "For me, it was revealing some things that perhaps I was hoping would come to pass." She sensed that Q knew her anxieties—equally if someone was taking her train of idea and "really verbalizing it." Shelly's frustrations are broad, and directed primarily at the institutions she sees as broken. She'south fed up with the education organization, the financial organisation, the media. "Fifty-fifty our churches are out of whack," she said. One of the things that resonated most with her near Q was his disgust with "the fake news." She gets her information mostly from Fob News, Twitter, and the New Hampshire Wedlock Leader. "In my lifetime, I guess, things have gotten progressively worse," Shelly said. She added a niggling later: "Q gives us hope. And it's a good thing, to be hopeful."

Shelly likes that Q occasionally quotes from scripture, and she likes that he encourages people to pray. In the end, she said, QAnon is nearly something so much bigger than Trump or anyone else. "There are QAnon followers out there," Shelly said, "who suggest that what nosotros're going through now, in this crazy political realm nosotros're in now, with all of the things that are happening worldwide, is very biblical, and that this is Armageddon."

I asked her if she thinks the end of the world is upon united states. "It wouldn't surprise me," she said.

Joseph Uscinski is disturbed by his female parent's conventionalities in QAnon. He'southward not comfortable talking nearly information technology. And Shelly doesn't quite appreciate the irony of the family's situation, because she doesn't believe QAnon is a form of conspiracy thinking in the get-go place. At one point in our conversation, when I referred to QAnon as a conspiracy theory, she apace interrupted: "It'south not a theory. Information technology'due south the foretelling of things to come." She laughed difficult when I asked if she had e'er tried to get Joseph to believe in QAnon. The answer was an unequivocal no: "I'm his mom, so I love him."


Watchkeepers for the End of Days can easily find signs of impending doom—in comets and earthquakes, in wars and pandemics. It has always been this manner. In 1831, a Baptist preacher in rural New York named William Miller began to publicly share his prediction that the 2nd Coming of Jesus was imminent. Eventually he settled on a date: October 22, 1844. When the sun came up on Oct 23, his followers, known equally the Millerites, were crushed. The episode would come to be known as the Peachy Disappointment. But they did non give up. The Millerites became the Adventists, who in turn became the 7th-day Adventists, who now have a worldwide membership of more than 20 million. "These people in the QAnon community—I feel like they are as deeply delusional, as deeply invested in their beliefs, every bit the Millerites were," Travis View, one of the hosts of a podcast called QAnon Anonymous, which subjects QAnon to acerbic assay, told me. "That makes me pretty confident that this is not something that is going to get away with the finish of the Trump presidency."

QAnon carries on a tradition of apocalyptic thinking that has spanned thousands of years. It offers a polemic to empower those who feel adrift. In his classic 1957 book, The Pursuit of the Millennium, the historian Norman Cohn examined the emergence of apocalyptic thinking over many centuries. He establish one common condition: This way of thinking consistently emerged in regions where rapid social and economical change was taking identify—and at periods of time when displays of spectacular wealth were highly visible simply unavailable to most people. This was true in Europe during the Crusades in the 11th century, and during the Black Decease in the 14th century, and in the Rhine Valley in the 16th century, and in William Miller's New York in the 19th century. It is true in America in the 21st century.

The 7th-solar day Adventists and the Church building of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are thriving religious movements indigenous to America. Do not be surprised if QAnon becomes another. It already has more adherents by far than either of those ii denominations had in the first decades of their existence. People are expressing their faith through devoted study of Q drops equally installments of a foundational text, through the development of Q-worshipping groups, and through sweeping expressions of gratitude for what Q has brought to their lives. Does information technology thing that nosotros do not know who Q is? The divine is always a mystery. Does it matter that basic aspects of Q's teachings cannot exist confirmed? The bones tenets of Christianity cannot be confirmed. Amid the people of QAnon, religion remains absolute. True believers draw a feeling of rebirth, an irreversible arousal to existential knowledge. They are sure that a Great Awakening is coming. They'll wait every bit long every bit they must for deliverance.

Trust the plan. Bask the show. Nothing tin stop what is coming.

This article appears in the June 2020 print edition with the headline "Nothing Can End What Is Coming." Information technology was published online on May fourteen, 2020.
